The WP ADA Compliance Plugin evaluates content for WCAG 2.1, WCAG 2.2 or Section 508 Web Accessibility Standards. For each issue that is detected, easy to follow instructions are provided along with error references and links to additional information to improve understanding of the problem.
Since not all issues can be automatically detected, the plugin includes a list of manual checks that are required to reach full compliance. As Web Accessibility standards evolve the plugin is continually updated to include the latest requirements.
The WP ADA Compliance Plugin identifies far more issues that most comparible soutions including:
- empty link and heading tags
- ambiguous link and button text such as “click here”
- absolute font sizes
- redundant link text with different destinations
- iframes missing title attributes
- object tags missing equivalent text
- embed, audio or video tags missing equivalent text
- audio, video or object tags set to autoplay
- form fields with empty or missing labels
- images missing alternate text attributes
- images with empty alternate text attributes and non-empty title or aria-label attributes
- images with redundant alt and title attributes
- image tags with alt invalid alt text such as filenames
- image map area tags without alternate content
- redundant, duplicate or missing page titles
- redundant alt text
- title attributes that duplicate the link text
- layout tables without role attributes
- data tables without heading tags
- data tables with heading tags but missing scope attributes
- links that are set to open a new window
- skip links not included in theme files
- missing lang attribute on html tags and content parts
- fieldsets without legends
- nested fieldsets
- links without a visual cue
- elements with pointer event handlers but missing keyboard event handlers
- form fields that trigger an unexpected context change
- lists with incorrect markup
- images linking to self
- tables with summary attributes that duplicate caption
- foreground and background colors without enough contrast
- images added using the CSS background-image property
- incorrect use of linebreaks to create white space
- tags with event handlers used to emulate links
- links or form fields where visual focus indication has been removed
- popup windows generated by page loads or other undetermined actions inside the page.
- meta refresh attributes that reload the page or redirect to a new location after a timeout
- content inserted into a page using CSS
- heading tags nested incorrectly (ie… H1 before H2, H2 before H3 etc…)
- search feature or sitemap provided for users to locate information
- tab order modified using the tabindex attribute
- justified text
- images hidden from screen readers using role=”presentation” but that include alternate text
- required fields not identified in forms
- use of complex structures for layout tables
- use of nested tables
- links with event handlers and no href attribute
- redundant title attributes on image tags (title that is the same as alt text)
- redundant title attributes on links around images (title on link that is the same as the images alt text)
- empty button tags
- tables with header cell ids that are not used inside a headers attribute within the table
- empty form field labels
- empty href attribute on links
- form field labels with a for attribute that does not match a field id
- unlinked email addresses and anchors
- complex data tables that may not be correctly interpreted by screen readers
- adjacent anchor tags with the same link text.
- inaccessible Elementor Galleries
- jump menus that trigger a page change using javascript event handlers
- empty table headers
- links to non html documents such as PDF and MS Word without visual cue
- html validation issues such as incomplete start and end tags, improperly nested element, duplicate attributes and IDs (requires the FREE HTML Validation plugin to be installed)
- inaccessible Elementor Table of Contents widgets
- inline links without a contrast ratio of at least 3:1 with surrounding text
- missing or invalid ids referenced by aria attributes (i.e… aria-labelledby, aria-describedby)
- form fields with more than one associated labels
- missing or improperly labeled landmark regions
- animated images
- Elementor background videos
- Elementor image carousel set to autoplay
- invalid aria-labels on links
- duplicate skip nav ids
- h1 not found inside the main content area
- checks for empty or decorative icons implemented in a way that does not allow them to be ignored by assistive technology
- checks for images with duplicate alt text
- checks for navigation menus with accessibility issues
- checks for accessibility help option or contact form
- checks for visual focus removed using javascript
- checks for unlabeled dialogs or dialogs that may be missing required markup
- check for incorrectly formatted status messages
- check for inaccessible image carousels
- check for interface components (buttons, links,inputs, etc…) with labels that do not include the visible text