Does the WP ADA Compliance plugin use cookies?

The following cookies are used to enhance the user experience while using the Web Accessibility widget:

  • wp-ada-show-accessibility-tools: this cookie is retained until the browser is closed and used to remember the web accessibility tool bars visibility state.
  • wp-ada-accessibility-tools-bigcursor: this cookie is retained until the browser is closed and used to remember the state of the big cursor toolbar option
  • wp-ada-accessibility-tools-contrast: this cookie is retained until the browser is closed and used to remember the state of the color contrast toolbar option
  • wp-ada-accessibility-tools-fontfamily: this cookie is retained until the browser is closed and used to remember the state of the legible font toolbar option
  • wp-ada-accessibility-tools-fontsize: this cookie is retained until the browser is closed and used to remember the state of the font size toolbar option
  • wp-ada-accessibility-tools-highlightheadings: this cookie is retained until the browser is closed and used to remember the state of the highlight headings toolbar option
  • wp-ada-accessibility-tools-highlightlinks: this cookie is retained until the browser is closed and used to remember the state of the highlight links toolbar option
  • wp-ada-accessibility-tools-keyboardnav: this cookie is retained until the browser is closed and used to remember the state of the keyboard navigation toolbar option
  • wp-ada-accessibility-tools-stopanimations: this cookie is retained until the browser is closed and used to remember the state of the stop animation toolbar option
  • wp-ada-accessibility-tools-textspacing: this cookie is retained until the browser is closed and used to remember the state of the text spacing toolbar option
  • wp-ada-accessibility-tools-tooltips: this cookie is retained until the browser is closed and used to remember the state of the show tool tips toolbar option

The following cookies are used inside the WordPress dashboard:

  • wp_ada_compliance_basic_rateus: no longer used but was previously used to track the users selection regarding posting a rating of the plugin
  • wpadasettingslastTab: used to remember the last tab selected on the options page
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