added check for interface components (buttons, links,inputs, etc…) with labels that do not include the visible text.
added error summary to email reminders sent when issues exists on the website.
deactivated the license key when the plugin is deleted
corrected php deprecated warning in simple_dom “Creation of dynamic property simple_html_dom::$optional_closing_array is deprecated”
added custom filters callback to allow content to be modified from inside a theme file wp_ada_compliance_change_the_content_callback
added check for missing wp_verify_nonce function before calling it to correct fatal PHP error
corrected PHP warnings due to passing empty string to str_replace and strpos
corrected slow save and repeated calls for error checks in block editor
corrected label not in name failing when commas are included and additional values are included in the aria described by value
marked missing title error as always an issue in the page content
marked navigation menu error as always an issue in theme content
added option to block users from creating content that includes one or more accessibility issues
corrected block editor only scanning content on first save of a session
added exclusion for empty option tag failure when being corrected by the Simple Accesible Forms plugin
corrected redundant link text check false positives when a title attribute is included on the link
corrected image empty alt text with title check reporting issue when title is set to empty
corrected image alt marked presentation being reported when alt text is being removed by content filters do to redundancy
corrected code view popup not working when filtered by url
view report links in editor now open a new tab
added option to switch between WCAG 2.1 and 2.2 standards
corrected dashboard summary links not filtering results.
made widget full screen on mobile.
corrected media library filter defaulting to all with accessibility issues.
added screen reader accessibility commitment link to website footer
corrected printable report formatting
added exception for Elementor Search forms embedded in a <search> landmark in missing landmark check
corrected term rescan not working on editor screen
corrected ambiguous links inside audio and video tags not be corrected
corrected modal links not working when report is filtered
corrected CSRF vulnerability
Corrected missing alt text on WP ADA Compliance Logo
Corrected HTML content being escaped in code view
Corrected example error code being truncated in database
Corrected WP ADA Compliance Logo to wide for the widget
Corrected missing alt text on WP ADA Compliance Logo
corrected dashboard summary missing formatting
corrected tables not being created on installation
corrected various php log errors
added link styles to web accessibility widget
corrected activation form not showing on settings page
corrected false positive in label not in name rule when no plain text is found
added manual check for not providing status messages when dynamic content changes
added check for incorrectly formatted status messages to the html_forms rule
added check for use of viewport units in absolute font size rule
added support for multiple ids in aria-describedby and aria-labelledby attributes
added support for multiple ids in aria-describedby and aria-labelledby attributes to aria attribute with invalid id check
excluded links hidden from screen readers from redundant anchor text check
updated Elementor accordion auto correct code to account for recent updates in Elementor
corrected errors not being displayed on classic editor screen
updated error references to support WCAG 2.2
repositioned web accessibility widget to provide more visible screen on mobile devices
corrected php error when url check returns no header content
replaced alert and warning nomenclature with suggested improvements and errors
corrected misc. code formatting issues and unescaped output variables
optimized queries to improve scan performance
disabled summary refreshing when hidden during scans
corrected fatal Uncaught TypeError in startup.php on line 1289
improved report summary a provide more detailed breakdown of effected content
changed defintion of alerts and warnings
updated Elementor accordion auto correct code to account for recent updates in Elementor
added license exception for development websites on
added check for jQuery UI Dialogs
corrected scan hanging up when pdf scans is disabled and existing pdf links have not be purged
corrected email address link filter not recognizing links that span multiple lines
upgraded persist admin notices dismissal plugin to the latest release
added check for max length attribute on form fields
updated adjacent identical link check to identify anchors tags with a title attribute that is identical
updated redundant anchor text checks to identify anchors tags with a title attribute that is identical
replaced elementor image carousel set to autoplay check with a check for dynamic carousels
added option to auto correct issues with the Elementor Carousel widget
added check for metaslider carousels to dynamic carousel rule
added check for flexslider carousels to dynamic carousel rule
corrected bug in custom widget color picker
removed check for Elementor gallery, no longer required
refreshed report after saving not to update not status on report screen
updated simplehtmldom library
added exception for background images with an aria-label attribute
corrected links enclosing div tag being stripped
added an exception for empty links enclosing div tags with aria-labels
corrected php error when no post types are selected for scanning
corrected issue with unlinked email address filter breaking certain mailto links
corrected bug related to absolute font size styles with the !important identifier being incorrectly converted.
added filter to correct Elementor Table of Contents anchors not working when passed through the url from a different page.
corrected bug in anchor opening a new window check that might result in some issues going undetected.
corrected bug in redundant alt text check.
added Wave by WebAim check link on color contrast errors
improved accuracy of link to non-html content check and associated content filter
added support for SVG images to image alt text marked presentation rule
corrected broken link in setting instructions for correcting missing landmarks
added support for SVG images to redundant title tag rule
added support for SVG images to redundant alt text rule
added check for accessible alert dialogs
added manual check for form field error identification
updated unmarked required fields rule description to include additional details of the requirement
added filter to remove tabindex that have been manually modified
corrected various warnings and errors in PHP8
added check for html forms that require manual review for various issues such as redundant entry (WCAG 2.2 new requirement), required fields and error detection
removed unmarked required fields check as it was replaced with new html form check
added manual check for failure of Success Criterion 2.5.7 Dragging due to not providing a single pointer method (WCAG 2.2 new requirement)
corrected reports not showing after filtering on a specific post and them clearing the filter
added manual check for help options placed in a consistent location on each page. (WCAG 2.2 new requirement)
added manual check obscured focus. (WCAG 2.2 new requirement)
updated visual focus removed to comply with new WCAG 2.2 contrast ratio requirements (WCAG 2.2 new requirement)
added link table to tables to be deleted when a multisite blog is removed
changed the default option for dealing with links that open in a new window to add a title attribute.
changed version number check to use admin_init
added manual check for image/icon links that do not meet the minimum target size of 24 pixels (WCAG 2.2 new requirement)
increased the minimum target size for links and other focusable elements to 24px when the highlight links option is enabled in the web accessibility widget
updated Web Accessibility Widget to add opens in a new window and to increase target size of links when link highlight is enabled
removed the requirement to use onkeypress with onclick handlers, no longer required
corrected bug resulting in summary report not showing affected pages
added addition unlabeled dialog checks to cover jquery ui and bootstrap dialogs
corrected “opens in a new windows” not being added to links using
added an option to automatically correct dialog links without a notice that they will open a dialog
changed the default setting for links to non html files to be add title attribute
corrected blank page displayed in printable reports
corrected absolute font size auto correction creating invalid html
corrected bug in related form field error check resulting in error not detected if a previous fieldset was found
added check for fieldsets that are being corrected by simple accessible forms when checking for related fields not grouped
added option to include user notes on error reports
removed version audit check
corrected attachment post type check box not staying checked on settings page
updated error descriptions for various form checks
corrected Elementor icon box and image box filter breaking new window filter
improved accessibility of Elementor accordions by removing the aria-selected attribute
improved accessibility of Elementor tabs by removing the aria-expanded attribute
added check for inaccessible navigation menus
improved feature to add ids to landmarks by making it available during scans so that it can be used to exclude content from scans
added check for accessibility help option or contact form
improved accuracy of ambiguous anchor tag check by including the title text only if it isn’t the same as the linked text
stopped simplehtmldom from stripping whitespace
moved visual focus removed using javascript to its on check to allow better instructions
corrected empty link check not finding inaccessible empty links when they include a title or aria-label
added support for heading roles during missing heading check
added support for heading roles during incorrect heading order check
improved accuracy of heading order check by applying landmark filter before checking H1 not in main landmark
corrected deep scan errors being displayed on editor screen when deep scan is disabled
added check for unlabeled dialogs
added exception for certain tabs and accordions when correcting broken anchor links
corrected HTML Validation error caused by Elementor toggle and accordion accessibility filter
improved the accessibility of Elementor toggle and accordion widget items that use headings tags as titles
corrected bug in adjacent identical link, empty button and empty anchor checks resulting from svg files using a title tag not triggering an error
added exclusions for images that are hidden from screen reader users to all applicable checks
corrected javascript uncaught type error on error screen when viewing affected code
added support for name attribute when adding missing ids
corrected javascript error related to content filter for correcting broken anchor tags
changed font awesome enqueue url from kit to free CDN
changed enqueue name for dismissible notices plugin to avoid conflicts
corrected incorrectly named function in visual focus removed check
added support for dev1. and staging1. when checking for allowed test server names
corrected bug keeping a setting from being displayed on the content filters page
corrected page exclusion not being honored on javascript filters
Corrected bug resulting in alt text being removed from images wrapped in anchors when the image includes a caption
Improved accuracy of duplicate image alt text check
added exception for embeded asides in unlabeled landmark check
added additional invalid image alt text checks
added additional auto correction features for Elementor accordions and tabs
adjusted auto correct on Elementor icon, image and posts widget to include aria-label on hidden elements
incorrect heading order check is now more accurate
add option to stop autoplay on the Elementor Image Carousel widget
add check for autoplay on the Elementor Image Carousel widget
added check for h1 not found inside the main content area
added check for duplicate skip nav ids
added tabindex = ‘-1’ to elements for skip link ids to enable focus in older browsers
added option to correct accessibility issues created by theme and plugins that modifying page anchor behavior
added back option to only scan database content from editor screen
improved accuracy of list with incorrect markup rule
corrected bug in link search on error report
added view report link to email reports
added save search button to report screen
removed WordPress changed url redirect during scan (improved accuracy of link scans and duplicate title checks)
added option to add aria-hidden=”true” to font awesome icons that do not include text, title or aria-labels
added check for links that include an aria-label and title with the same value
added auto correction for toggle visibility button on Elementor table of contents widget
added check for images hidden from screen reader users but that include alternate text
added check for images with duplicate alt text
updated post type selection on setting page to display post types with no existing content
added support for testing/staging servers so that plugin can be installed in a test environment at the same time as a live site
corrected bug related to separator variable not being set in scripts.js
corrected issue with accessibility widget show/hide not working when used on a non-English website
corrected issue with skip link check not working as expected on a non-English website
corrected issue with accessibility tools link not being positioned at the top of the document on a non-English website
corrected issue with accessibility statement not accepting non-English characters
added support for links inside the accessibility widget commitment statement text
improved the accessibility of the accessibility widget commitment statement dialog
added exception for empty href rule for elementor premium tab widget links
corrected block editor scan keeping widgets screen from loading
added exclusion for images hidden with visibility: hidden in missing alt text check
changed file extension on javascripts from php to js to avoid some servers blocking execution
converted custom field and post type dynamic updates on the settings page from inline jquery to WordPress rest calls
corrected “Call to a member function removeChild() on null” error in missing landmarks check
improved the accuracy of missing and unlabeled landmark checks
Version 3.0 is faster, uses less database resources and is more accurate at identifying error locations. Changes include:
un-necessary and confusing options have been removed
more accurate error location algorithm was created to include identification of issues in featured images, custom fields widget content and excerpts when scanning post types and content found in posts when scanning terms and archives
added option to auto correct Gravity Forms captcha fields that may confuse screen reader users
added support for password protected website
added option to include as many skip links as desired
corrected invalid html created by adding role=”presentation” to images
added check for inaccessible Elementor toggle and accordion widgets
added option to correct accessibility issues with Elementor tab, toggle and accordion widgets
added option to exclude code blocks, such as menus or image slideshows during website scans
added check for missing or invalid ids referenced by aria attributes (i.e… aria-labelledby, aria-describedby)
updated accessibility widget stop animation to include pausing of video and audio elements
added option to correct accessibility issues in the Elementor posts widget
added check for Elementor background videos
removed title to aria-label conversion and added new setting to display title and class field on link editor
added check for animated pngs
added option to correct new windows links by adding a title attribute
added option to correct links to non html content by adding a title attribute
added check for form fields with more than one associated labels
added check for missing or improperly labeled landmark regions
added option to add or correct improperly labeled landmark regions
added purge of link and error records for invalid post and taxonomies
improved accessibility of the web accessibility widget for screen reader users
corrected bug creating false positives on related form fields not grouped check
corrected bug in color contrast checks
Corrected ESC key bug related to web accessibility widget
corrected issue with inaccurate report summary
corrected print report option not being available when errors no errors are found
corrected check for aria attributes with blank space not being identified when checking for invalid alt text
added the option to print or email a summary report when no errors exists on the website
improved absolute font size check by including affected element code in addition to to the style attribute
improved missing form field id check by ignoring fields that are hidden from screen readers
improved missing form label check by ignoring fields that are hidden from screen readers
added auto correct for iframes missing titles when src includes known media files (mp3, mp4, wav)
disabled attachment deep scans when attachment urls are being redirected, media library issues such as invalid alt text in media library image will still be reported
added auto correct of invalid alt text on SVG images
added support for PHP 8
improved performance on websites with a large number of links and pages
improved interface for web accessibility widget, move tools to widget and added docking option
added check for titles on images that include filenames
added check for inline links without a contrast ratio of at least 3:1 with surrounding text
changed redundant alt text filter to remove title attributes if they are the same as the image caption
improved the accuracy of all redundant alt text filters and checks
corrected custom field issues not displayed on editor screen
corrected custom field issues removed when using Elementor editor
corrected bug resulting some errors being excluded from attachment filters on error screen
corrected terms not being scanned when description is updated on editor screen
corrected summary report not filtering affected pages based on view, modified date and post type
corrected empty header cells not being located
corrected bug in color contrast checks
corrected false positive on missing td headers
corrected filtered error status not being updated on theme files after initial scan
removed duplicate and confusing option to correct issues in theme files
added check for inaccessible Elementor Table of Contents widgets
added option to correct accessibility issues created by the Elementor table of contents widget
added exclusion for certain tracking pixles when checking for images without alt text
removed un-neccessary option to disable jquery use on report screen
added check for visual focus removed using javascript “this.blur()”
removed check of missing alt text on images inside anchor tag because it was a duplicate of the empty anchor check
added support for svg files in various checks such as missing and empty alt text and empty anchor tags
added option to correct issues created when using the Elementor icon or image box widgets
added additional invalid alt text checks
added exceptions during missing form field id and label checks for hidden/spam block fields
added option to correct missing form field ids on captcha fields added by the Visual Form Builder plugin
added screen reader link for accessibility tools
added check for empty option tags
improved check for missing lang attribute inside page content
added option to set assumed forground color to improve color contrast checks in the content editor
added embed tags to remote video source check
updated embed missing alternate text check
added option to automatically correct inline styles that obscure or remove the outline from focusable elements
added scan options to media library links
disabled css scans by default
added option to check for untagged/inaccessible pdf documents
improved visual focus removed check to include recently added focusable elements
added option to select all alert rules and unselect all rules on settings page
corrected bug resulting in scanner hanging at 99% when blog home scan is disabled
corrected link titles not displaying in print, email and export reports
corrected php warnings on settings screen when no post types are selected
corrected bug resulting in PHP error during missing fieldset check
corrected miscellaneous PHP notices during website scans
corrected embed content errors not being displayed on report screen
corrected link to images with accessibility issues
corrected bug resulting in pages created using the Beaver Builder editor not saving when the web accessability widget is enabled
corrected bug resulting in pagination not being available on report screen when duplicate errors are excluded
corrected bug resulting in customfield and external source filters not working on report page
corrected bug resulting in customfield errors not being purged
corrected bug resulting in “WP_Scripts::localize was called incorrectly.” being displayed when debug mode is enabled
corrected AddToAny icons being stripped as empty anchors and added correction of redundant alt text on AddToAny icon links
corrected bug not allowing ignore status to be remove
improved duplicate title by using deep scan page title for verification which reduces false positives
increased skip link z-index to ensure it is visible in locations with a higher z-index value
set font awesome to only load on the public website when required and added an option for the user to disable the loading of font awesome when it is already loaded by a website theme
added link search to the keyword search option
corrected validation error in excluded paths on settings page
increased database field sizes on id fields
changed html validation check to ignore html validation errors that are ignored in the HTML Validation Pro plugin
moved remote source audio/video player equivalent text check to its on error type
corrected example code not being displayed on error report
corrected filter by Alert and Warning no longer working
corrected error summary not displaying when filtering by Alert or Warning
corrected SQL error in html_validation check
increased PHP memory limit on single scan to allow large files to be rescanned
corrected visual focus removed errors in CSS files and inline styles not being detected
corrected buttons not highlight when highlight links and buttons is clicked in web accessibility toolbar
added additional ambiguous link text checks
added checks for ADA compliance issues caused by HTML validation errors
removed non html content and new window hover spans from content when option is disabled
corrected bug resulting in white label logo image preview not displaying on settings page
corrected bug resulting in lists created with Unicode hyphens in the list with incorrect markup check not being found
corrected bug resulting in content scan stopping and restarting when links are found with empty values
added more advanced input validation
added option to disable content scans on the editor screen
added exclusion for Elementor pagination when doing check for ambiguous link text
improved the accuracy of visual focus removed checks
added option to ignore all errors of a particular type found in a page
improved duplicate error checks to reduce the number of duplicate entries
increased the z-index value on skip links to place skip links above most if not all website content
improved check for related form fields not grouped with fieldsets and legends
improved the accessibility of thickbox popups on the error report screen
added aria support for adjacent identical link check
added aria support for redundant anchor text check
added aria support for missing alt text inside anchor check
added aria support for empty anchor tag check
added aria support for empty button check
added aria support for ambiguous anchor tag check
modified JQUERY ajax call on link inventory to support changes in JQUERY 3.5.1
added url search to error report
improved list with incorrect markup check to ensure broader coverage of issues
added option to display accessibility widget on bottom left of screen
added option to receive email reminders when unresolved issues exists
added group and radiogroup support to check for fields not grouped with fieldsets and legends
added aria-describedby support for missing form label check
added date found to report screen
added option to automatically correct a variety of html validation issues
added html validation checks to deep scan option
added check for anchors linking to locations in the same page without a visual cue
converted font awesome 4 to font awesome 6 free
added option to insert a small icon or hover notice to external document links such as PDF or MS Word to notify users that the link opens an external document
added check for links to non html documents such as PDF and MS Word without visual cue
corrected bug resulting in errors not being removed from error report when a rule is ignored
corrected bug related image icons used to indicate links opening new windows not being identified
corrected bug that could result in visual indication of links opening in a new window being applied multiple times
corrected undefined offset error in shared_functions.php
correct bug where new window link filter removed existing title tags
corrected settings page tabs not accessible to screen readers
corrected email address incorrectly converted to mailto: link when proceeded by a non breaking space ( )
corrected bug resulting in full error report being emailed instead of keyword searched results
corrected last modified date on link scans incorrectly reporting dates in 1969 and 1970
corrected social media sharing links being included in link scans
corrected term/category description errors not being displayed on term editor screen
corrected issue with modified date not being recorded during recheck which could result in modified date search on error screen not returning all records
corrected bug resulting in false positive adjacent identical link and redundant anchor text errors when an image is used inside an anchor tag along with linked text
WordPress 5.5 compatibility update
Modified JQUERY ajax call on error recheck to support changes in JQUERY 3.5.1
Removed unused JQuery Live function on settings page
corrected bug with custom colors in TinyMCE editor not being converted
corrected bug with custom colors in block editor displaying the wrong color sample
added check for related form fields not grouped with fieldsets and legends
added W3C html validation link to editor screen and page/post lists
added WAVE evaluation link to page/post lists
added check for empty table headers <th></th>
added check for aria-hidden set to true before reporting missing or empty image alt text
added media library filter for all images with accessibility issues
disabled content scans during WordPress importer activities
added addition ambiguous link text checks
added option to automatically correct missing keyboard event handlers
updated table header scope check to account for simple tables with only one header row or column
applied changes to support advancements in screen readers related to use of the title attributes
updated ambiguous link text check to recognize title attributes on links, to reduce false positives
updated redundant anchor text check to more accurately reflect the issue of ajacent links that are confusing to screen reader users.
added support for image tags inside redundant anchor tags
added check for adjacent anchor tags with the same link text.
improved the accessibility of thickbox links
added option to add aria-labels to Elementor Post Widget “Read More” links
corrected bug resulting in an undefined object error during mouseover events on links with aria-labels and no class attribute
corrected but resulting in false positives for redundant anchor text when link encloses image tags
corrected bug resulting in errors in private posts being displayed in the error report after they have been corrected
corrected bug related to the display of the web accessibility widget tool bar and respective tools tips when viewing on small screens
added check for DVI editor screen to resolve issues with content filters causing editor not to load
corrected bug with autoplay filter breaking websites
corrected false positive on unlinked email address when string includes @ with spaces before and after
corrected empty anchors with background image attribute being removed. Error is now reported.
modified compliance badge, displayed in the web accessibility widget to allow users to continue using it once a license expires
corrected bug resulting in PHP errors when a pages with an iframe element is displayed.
added check for inaccessible Elementor Galleries
added check for jump menus that trigger a page change using javascript event handlers
updated unlinked anchor check to locate unlinked email addresses with space before or after the @ sign
changed editor screen behavior to match full scan behavior of scanning only published content
added option to enable or disable toolbar shortcode and removed adjustment class from elements when toolbar is not in use
removed option to add alternate text to Elementor icon widgets, issue has been corrected in Elementor plugin
corrected bug resulting in Elementor Gallery and Slider images being stripped when wrapped in anchor tag
corrected bug resulting in redundant anchor alert being displayed multiple times on editor screen
corrected bug resulting in license validation failing on some websites
added performance enhancements to update checks
corrected bug resulting in single page error report on some screens being cut off on the left
corrected bug resulting in ignored errors not being visible in single page print reports
added performance enhancements to license checks
set settings page to NOT disable deep scan when a website temporarily fails a deep scan support test
changed conversion of title attributes on links to aria-label by default to optional (no longer required for ada standards)
corrected redundant anchor text being incorrectly reported as auto corrected
corrected aria-label tool tips not being displayed
corrected notices on admin pages not being dismissed when close is clicked
updated link visual cue error description to better reflect actions required
added white label options i.e… adding custom logo to report screens and accessibility widget
added the web accessibility widget and toolbar
removed dashboard messages and related settings
added check for complex data tables that may not be correctly interpreted by screen readers
added option to add alternate text to Elementor icon widgets
added filter option on report screen to display “all alerts” or “all warnings”
added error severity column to printed reports i.e… Warning vs Alert
modified the content filter adding titles to IFRAMES to include external website domain where applicable
added a date selector to error report screen to allow filtering of results by the last modified date of pages
removed empty table headers from plugin options page and improved experience for screen reader users
moved output buffer flush to shutdown function to avoid clashes with other plugins
added a manual check for color contrast validation
corrected 500 error when checking for active plugin
corrected bug on recheck of iframe source links resulting in errors being removed from database until a full rescan is completed.
corrected bug resulting in help links on error reference not being clickable
corrected conflict with the FacetWP plugin
corrected conflict with Ninja Tables plugin resulting in tables being removed from pages
added exclusion for ninja tables when reporting missing TD and TH cells
added check for skip navigation links with targets that are not present in the document
added exclusion for button inputs when checking for form fields with missing labels
added allowance for use of aria-label instead of title on iframe elements
added deep scan of attachment pages
added option to check all Level A, AA, AAA or Warning rules on options page
added support for the Beaver Builder editor
added support for Elementor Editor
added a manual check for broken link
added a link inventory for viewing the status of link monitoring on a website
added option to remove error summary from reports
added option to locate and scan website content on the same domain but that is not in the WordPress database
added option to exclude portions of the website from content scans
changed content filtering default behavior to filter all website content
added option to automatically link unlinked email addresses
added check for unlinked email addresses and anchors
added check for form field labels with a for attribute that does not match a field id
added manual check for foreground colors specified without background colors or vice versa
added option to remove empty table elements
update purge settings to update error list when a term is deleted
corrected issue with content filtering not working in some themes
corrected bug resulting in false positive on empty anchor and button tags
corrected bug in alternate text check on images in PHP version 7.3
corrected bug with correction of links opening in a new window when wrapped around an image with alternate text
corrected bug resulting in title attributes being stripped from links before they are converted to aria-labels to warn users that a link will open a new window
corrected bug resulting in custom field errors not being removed when a post type is no longer monitored
corrected bug resulting in css issues not being identified when a file contains more than one selector with the same name
corrected bug resulting in redundant anchor text that is being automatically corrected still being reported
corrected a conflict resulting in errors while editing content with the Beaver Builder editor
corrected bug resulting in deleted posts records being left in error reports
corrected false positive on heading tag checks when titles include ampersand
corrected false positives for ambiguous anchor text on audio embed tags
corrected false positive on color contrast check
corrected PHP Error on dashboard message widget
corrected help link on error report not opening
corrected bug with redundant anchor text errors being falsely reported as auto corrected
corrected problem with 404 Page template not scanning correctly when pretty permalinks are not enabled
corrected false positive on color contrast when color name is used with the !important attribute
corrected javascript conflict in block editor
added on click scan on report screen
added check for featured images with alternate text issues
added check for ambiguous button tags
added additional ambiguous link text checks
added exclusion for scheduled posts when checking for duplicate titles
added option to display the full URL of the affected page in a column on the full print report
added option to check all custom fields and shortcodes on settings page
corrected bug with shortcode conversion resulting in operator not supported for strings error
corrected bug resulting in empty heading tags enclosing only html entities not being removed
corrected bug with Excel report missing records when filtered by error type
corrected bug resulting in false positives on empty heading tags enclosing invalid html
corrected bug resulting in false positives on incorrect use of white space
corrected bug resulting in non-fatal PHP errors when upgrading from older versions of the plugin
corrected bug with title attributes on some font awesome icons not being converted to aria-labels
requires PHP version 5.6 or higher
added printable and email executive summary report
added automatic updates
added settings link to installed plugin list
added additional checks for incorrect use of white space
added exception for new window popups triggered by scripts that include a confirm prompt
added check for images, not enclosed in a link, with redundant alt and title attributes
added check to exclude errors on images missing alt text but wrapped in an anchor tag with valid alternate text
enabled gallery shortcode scans by default.
improved content filter options, eliminating need to review conflicts
added help link to dashboard menu
added additional checks for invalid alt text
added option to disable the scan of css and iframe content form external domains
corrected bug resulting in some css errors not being reported
corrected bug resulting in some image errors not being reported
corrected bug causing user defined aria-label values for empty links enclosing font-awesome icons to fail
corrected bug resulting in missing skip nav links not being detected under certain situations
corrected bug with iframe sources using // for the link protocal
corrected display of sample code on color contrast errors
corrected minor formatting issues with print report
corrected bug resulting in empty anchor tag false positives in some content
corrected problem with site health check failing loopback and REST API requests
corrected bug resulting in incorrect heading order not being detected in theme content
corrected bug resulting in issues in some term content not being identified
added option to choose the outline color on links when in focus
added option to disable the outline on mouseover
added help link on settings page
added check for empty href attribute on links
corrected bug where links with empty href attributes were removed from accordion triggers
corrected a bug with empty anchor tags not being removed under certain conditions.
corrected javascript error when tabs not present on error screen
corrected bug causing view code links to stop working after error report is refreshed
corrected issue with pagination links not displaying correctly when error report refreshes dynamically
added option to disable display of dashboard messages and update notifications
added exclusion for empty form labels that are hidden from screen readers
added check for empty button tags
added option to set plugin settings on all sub-sites of a multi-site network from the network admin screen
added option to restore visible keyboard focus by inserting outline styles for all focusable elements
added option to correct elements with event handlers that are emulating links
added additional checks for ambiguous link text
added additional checks for invalid alt text
added option to correct empty link tags enclosing font-awesome icons
added user defined aria-label values for empty links enclosing font-awesome icons
excluded duplicate urls caused by doing_wp_cron from blocked filter list
added pagination links to blocked filter list
corrected bug with memory_limit interpretation
corrected bug in jquery error summary update
corrected issue with display of dashboard summary
corrected bug with pagination of filter block list
corrected bug with incorrect mime type script error being returned
corrected bug in Guttenburg editor where error message was being displayed two times
corrected bug with errors in css files not being removed from the error report after correction
corrected false positive on empty links, buttons and headings with enclosed images that have alt text that begins with a blank space
hot patch to correct fatal error created in version 2.2.3
corrected bug creating false positives on image file name used as alternate text
corrected form field graphical view not available under “view code” on report screen
added additional checks for missing form fields labels
added check for tables with header cell ids that are not used inside a headers attribute within the table
added additional checks for image name used as alt text on images
added additional checks for invalid alt text on images
improved performance of database upgrades for larger websites
added option to reset default settings on plugin settings screen
added option to enable or disable deep scan on the editor screen
added option to hide error summary on report page
added option to enable or disable jquery interaction on report screen
added option to set the number of errors displayed on report screen
added option to disable all content filtering
added list of manual checks that should be completed
added support for scan and content filtering of custom post type archives
added exclusions for plugins custom read more link code, such as Recent Posts Widget Extended
minimum PHP version changed to 5.5
modified report screen to allow users to leave the screen between cycles and retain their progress
added export to error results to an Excel spreadsheet
added dynamic updates to report screen as content is changed or ignored
added check for redundant title attributes on image tags (title that is the same as alt text)
added check for redundant title attributes on links around images (title on link that is the same as the images alt text)
added filter to automatically remove redundant title attributes on links
added filter to automatically remove redundant title attributes on image tags
added option to exclude pages from content filtering
added option to automatically convert titles on empty links to aria-label
added check for links with event handlers and no href attribute
added check for empty form field labels
added option to automatically insert skip nav links
added option to correct missing language attributes on html tags
added option to automatically correct issues in theme file content, missing or unclosed html tags are also automatically closed
moved the Evaluate with WAVE link to sidebar a instead of in TinyMCE editor
added option to remove the justified text option from the WordPress editor
added support for websites that share a single database
corrected bug with block editor support without pretty Permalinks
corrected bug where heading tags were removed from around images with valid alt text
corrected bug with term description errors not being reported on editor screen
misc bug corrections
corrected issue with block editor reporting issues when they are set to be ignored
corrected invalid block editor error check path on sub directory installations
corrected bug in version check that triggered download link to appear when new release was not available in dot releases. i.e…. 2.1.1
added option to allow retention of plugin data and settings when upgrading the plugin by deleting and uploading a new version
added check for skip link not the first link in a page
corrected “check for issues” link in page list on subdirectory installations
added support for websites installed on a subdirectory i.e…
Corrected bug related to Wave evaluation button in text editor. Moved link to sidebar.
Misc bug correction
added check for justified text
added option to convert justified text to left or right aligned
added filter to automatically add role=”presentation” to images when format selector is used to mark them as “Presentation Image”
added check for images hidden from screen readers using role=”presentation” but that include alternate text
added check for required fields not identified in forms
support for Gutenberg Editor added
added check for complex tables
added check for nested tables
misc bug corrections
Corrected bug related to redundant alt text filter breaking some dynamic menus.
added check for popup windows generated by page loads or other undetermined actions inside the page.
added check for links or form fields where visual focus indication has been removed.
added check for tags with event handlers used to emulate links
updated empty link filter to allow anchor tags without an href
added check for meta refresh attributes that reload the page or redirect to a new location after a timeout
added check for content inserted into a page using CSS
added Google Calendar to the list of embeded Iframes that will be auto corrected when missing a title tag.
added check for heading tags nested incorrectly (ie… H1 before H2, H2 before H3 etc…)
added check for a search feature or sitemap provided for users to locate information
added check for tab order being modified using the tabindex attribute
added option to allow iframe sources to be ignored while scanning content
added option to modify the default WordPress editor color picker pallet to include some alternative colors and to mark the colors that are not ADA compliant over a white background
added check for elements with pointer specific event handlers but no equivalent keyboard event handler
misc bug corrections including a bug that was causing a conflict with the WordPress theme editor
added check for media library images with alt text containing a filename
separated empty alternate text check from missing alternate text to make it easier to distinguish images that are for decoration only
added check for form fields that trigger an unexpected context change
added check for elements with onclick handler but missing onkeypress handlers
added option to scan external sources such as iframe or css files
added check for links without a visual cue
added check for fieldsets without legends
added check for nested fieldsets
added check for lists with incorrect markup
added check for missing lang attributes inside page content
added check for media library images with alt text that includes “image of”, “graphic of” or a similar phrase
added check for images linking to self
added option to turn off default WordPress behavior of linking images to file
added media library filter for invalid alt text
added check for tables with summary attributes that duplicate caption
added check for foreground and background colors without enough contrast
added option to remove individual posts or pages from future scans
added check for images with empty alternate text attributes and non-empty title or aria-label attributes
added check for images added using the CSS background-image property
added option to strip html tags from post title values
moved reset data option to settings page to reduce likely hood of inadvertent purging of data
added option to remove links from images that are linked to themselves
added check for incorrect use of linebreaks to create white space
added option to automatically add title attributes to known iframe sources (i.e…,, etc)
updated references for WCAG 2.1
corrected bug on certain websites not allowing the settings page to be loaded
other misc bug corrections
deep scan makes it possible to scan your entire website for problems
check for redundant link text with different destinations
check for alternate text on images that includes the image filename.
option to add title and class fields to link editor and to convert title attributes to aria-label
option to mark tables as presentation only using the format drop down in the WordPress editor.
email reports when new issues are identified
option to select specific issues/accessibility rules to look for in your website
option to automatically remove phrases such as “image of” or “photo of” from image alt text
check for image map area tags without alternate content
check skip links not provided to bypass navigation and go directly to the content
check for lang attribute on html tags
added option to re-check issues from report screen and check for issue link on post/page lists
added additional filtering and sorting options to the report screen
shortcode content validation
widget text and custom html content validation
check for urls used in link text
check for embed tags missing alternate text
check for data tables marked as presentation only
check for table cells referencing a non-existent header id
option to display issues in content that are being automatically corrected
automatic scans using WordPress cron
options to limit the number of records scanned each time (required for larger websites)
remove title attributes from menus and post lists
check for audio and video tags set to auto play
print friendly reports
corrected bug resulting in some data tables missing headers not being identified
added custom field content validation
added check for links opening in new windows without first notifying users
added options to automatically correct links opening in a new window
added option to automatically remove redundant alt text on images with captions and links with title attributes
improved alt text check to avoid false positives when alternate text is included inside captions
corrected bug with automatic content updates
added option to automatically convert absolute font units in content to relative units
added reference links for section 508 and wcag 2.0 requirements
added theme validation with webaim
added check for title attributes that duplicate content within the body of the link
added check for image alt text that includes Image of or Graphic of
added check for redundant alt text
added issue summary to error log
added check for duplicate page titles
added check for audio and video tags missing equivalent text
added check for form fields missing labels and aria-labelledby attributes
corrected bug with translation of help topics
added filter for post type and error type on error log
added setting to automatically convert font size selector to relative size (% or em)
corrected bug not allowing post types to be selected on settings page for multi-site networks
corrected bug not allowing post types without existing posts to be displayed on settings page
added media library check for images missing alternate text
added pagination to results page
added check for object tags missing equivalent text
added error references and help links
added absolute font size check.
added settings page with option to choose if empty tags should be stripped and select post types and terms to be scanned.
XThe accessibility of our website is taken very seriously. We strive to meet WCAG 2.2 AA Web Accessibility standards by routinely evaluating our website using automated evaluation tools and manual testing when required. As content changes we review and correct issues and are responsive to our users needs. If you encounter issues with our website, please report them so they may be corrected in a timely manner.