- Converts obsolete align attributes to CSS equivalent (i.e… align=”center” becomes style=”text-align:center;”)
- Converts heading tags inside table headers to span with style attribute
- Converts obsolete attributes on images to CSS equivalent (i.e… border, hspace, vspace)
- Converts obsolete attributes on tables and table cells to CSS equivalent (i.e… border, width, height)
- Converts obsolete attributes on horizontal rule (hr) elements to CSS equivalent (i.e… width, size, color, noshade)
- Removes content from between iframe tags, convert obsolete attributes on iframes to CSS equivalent (i.e… scrolling, frameborder) and replace incorrect values (i.e… width=”100%”)
- Converts big elements to to span with style attribute
- Converts center elements to span with style attribute
- Removes unnecessary type, charset and language attributes from script and style elements
- Removes unnecessary role attributes such as
- Converts named anchors to span with id tag
- Removes empty target attributes from anchor tags
- Removes empty id attributes from html elements
- Removes placeholder attributes from inappropriate html elements
Moves incorrectly nested style elements to the head tag - Corrects invalid attributes on embed tags and remove unnecessary end tags.
- Converts gallery shortcode tags to figure elements to resolve validation issues when caption is not included.
- Corrects incorrect content values on meta elements set to “X-UA-Compatible”
- Removes incorrect or obsolete attributes from the time element. (i.e… pubdate)
- Corrects or removes obsolete attributes on video elements (i.e… loop=”1″).
- Corrects or removes obsolete attributes on column elements (i.e… width=”153″).
- Adds name and action values to form elements when value is set to empty.
- Remove the size attribute from form inputs of non supported types